Worst case scenrio followed: I wound up going to a civilian pharmacy to get my HGH. Just 4 vials, a few days more than a month's worth.
The bill, before TriCare kicks in and I pay my measly $9.00 co-pay... $1100.00
Holy cow.
It's a good thing this is really working for me, or I think I'd feel guilty about it. link | posted by Thumper at 4:28 PM
He's seeing if he can get the pharmacist to order what I need, but I've only got about 8 days worth left.
So, we shall see. Worst case scenario he writes a paper scrip for me and I find a local pharmacy that accepts TriCare, and I pay the co-pay. Or I submit to TriCare's mail order pharmacy and get it in a week or two.
Recalling how uncomfortable I got for the 10 days or so I didn't take it, I'm not looking forward to a delay, but that's mostly my fault for waiting so long to get a referral to the endo clinic here. link | posted by Thumper at 3:57 PM