Thumper tries HGH for Fibromyalgia symptoms... film at 11
Fibromyalgia is Latin for "Holy Frijole, everything on me freaking hurts." Or something like that...

Still...there are no whiners here.


...having a Charlie horse--all over your body.

...having the flu--all the time.

...feeling like you've been backed over by a tractor...every single day.

...waking up and being afraid to step out of bed because you know--without a doubt--that when your foot hits the floor, a knife will cut through your body, and the feeling won't stop.

...not being able to sleep.

...fatigue seeping from every pore of your body, running in thick rivers that pool at your feet like concrete shoes.

...feeling like every muscle in your body is on fire, and nothing will put it out.

...feeling like you're about to come apart at the seams--and your doctor tells you it's "All In Your Head."

Just Imagine.

©1997,2005 K.A. Thompson

One of the theories about Fibromyalgia Syndrome is that there may be an endocrinological base--that the pain associated with FMS may exist because of a lack of, or the body's inability to use existing supplies of, Growth Hormone.

On June 26, 2002, I had a tumor removed from my pituitary gland; this tumor left me with diabetes insipidus, premature menopuase, and as discovered recently, a lack of Growth Hormone.

The problem is, no one knows how long the tumor was there, and no one knows whether or not I was deficient in Growth Hormone prior to developing the tumor.

Because of some of the studies regarding Fibromyalgia--something I have lived with since January 1997--and Human Growth Hormone, I have opted to give HGH replacement a try. It may be a way to work past the pain of FMS, a way to build lean muscle mass, lose body fat, and hopefully, offer measureable hope to recovery.

This blog will chronicle my progress, or lack of it. I will include details of how it makes me feel, the exercise routines I will use to help speed up loss of body fat, dietary changes, and any changes in body shape and pain reduction.

FMS Links

Dr. Devin Starlanyl
American Fibromyalgia Association
FMS Network
Chronic Syndrome Support Association
Living With FMS


The bike is awesome. I can stay on it for 40-45 minutes and ride at a pretty good clip, without developing a case of Screaming Ass or Jello Legs.

The only physical problem I'm having at all lately us fatigue. Not bone-drenching, oh-my-God-I-want-to-die fatigue, but a daily dose of crap-I-need-a-nap tiredness. And it's happening pretty much every day.

I suspect it's because I quit taking benedryl for sleep about 2 months ago. I thought I was sleeping well without it--I don't wake up much at night--but the fact that I'm increasingly tired suggests I might not be getting enough deep sleep. So I'll probably wind up back on the benedryl. It was a reasonable experiment; I thought that because I no longer have to get up at a specific time every morning to feed and medicate the dog that I could just fall into natural sleep patterns (i.e. stay up til 2am and sleep until 9 or 10), but if I'm not sleeping well enough, it's a failed experiement.

Today I'm actually a little stiff; my back aches a bit, but that could be from sleeping in a funky position all night (the danged cat has decided I am his bed, and he's pinning me to the mattress for about 4 hours every night... I am so much his bitch that I don't make him move.) It's not severe pain, so I'm not worried about it.

link | posted by Thumper at 8:06 PM
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