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Unless it's mine, of course. link | posted by Thumper at 8:10 PM
You know how everyone makes those resolutions: exercise more, lose weight, become thin and happy and beautiful and rich?
Well, I didn't make any this year (except I would like to win the lottery, which would require buying tickets, which I never seem to remember to do) but hearing everyone else talk about them has made me realize that I have--yet again--really dropped the ball when it comes to working out.
Since we moved, I haven't felt as motivated. In Ohio, I had friends to work out with. People to make sure I went to the gym and let the Skinny Little Thing torture me. People to go on long walks with.
Since we got here, I haven't put nearly the effort into it, and I think I'm getting a teensy bit more flabby than I was before.
So it's not a resolution, but dangit, I need to do more things that make me break into a sweat. I have tons of things within walking distance, and the apartment complex we moved into has a fitness center.
I should use it more often.
I should... link | posted by Thumper at 1:05 PM