It might be another sign of my thyroid sputtering out. My last bloodwork showed a high TSH and a just-barely-normal Free T4, meaning, for the most part, that my thyroid is trying to put out enough hormone, but just not quite managing it. Since I feel seriously cold most of the time now, that may be it.
Still, in spite of falling asleep for half an hour or so every afternoon, I feel fairly energetic most of the time. That’s gotta be good…
link | posted by Thumper at 3:50 PM
…and I need help. If you have or know anyone who has Fibromyalgia, and would be willing to participate in a questionnaire for research purposes, please check out “We’re Writing A Book”.
In a nutshell, this will be a book from the perspective of people who have FMS, telling the world what we feel and want them to know about the disease, instead of a medical-type tome written by a doctor who may or may not even believe in the disease as a reputable diagnosis.
Mucho thanks!
link | posted by Thumper at 10:38 AM